A Clearinghouse for Martensdale-St. Marys Community Schools Professional Development

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Peer Observation Schedules

Now that we have completed our initial study of professional learning communities, it's time to get back into the classrooms and see each other in action. You are to work with your PLC team to devise a schedule and a form for use in your observations. The reason why a form isn't being provided for you is so you and your team members can tailor the document to your needs. Engage in discussion about specific elements of your curriculum, instruction, and/or assessment for which you are most interested in receiving feedback. After devising a means of recording your data, decide on a schedule for your team's observations. As stated in the agenda for today's in-service, plan to have your observations done by Friday, April 29th. Use the comment function to post the schedule on this blog. Enjoy your time in the classrooms!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Whatever It Takes, Chapter 10

We have reached the final chapter of Whatever It Takes, and I cannot thank you enough for your insight and commitment to our study of this book. I hope it has been enlightening, challenged your thinking, and raised some questions. As we conclude professional development for the 2010-2011 school year, take some time to reflect on what it means for the students in your classroom and the district as a whole. We will revisit your ideas from the February 16th in-service before the year is out in an effort to put our collective learning and thinking into systemic action.

1. What is the primary message the authors are attempting to convey with this chapter?

2. The authors cite research that concludes a climate of “high expectations for student achievement” is a critical element of effective schools, but then suggest that the term has been widely misunderstood and misapplied. Clarify the nature of “high expectations” in a PLC.

3. If you were called upon to build a system of interventions to assist students with their learning, what is a short-term win you would plan to achieve in the first 3 months and how would you celebrate that win?